7:57 pm
Dollarama dollar stores carry a Neoprene Cell Phone Case, part #1100505 that holds the 1600 quite nicely. It will probably also hold other candy bar phones as well as iPods and similar-sized items.
Dimensions: 13cmL x 5.5cmW x 4cmH
Price: $1.00
DealExtreme sells a Car Charger Compatible with Nokia LCH-12. Works great with the 1600 and presumably any other Nokia phone that uses this model charger.
Price: US$4.27 including free shipping.
(DX is located in Hong Kong. They ship by air mail but expect delivery to take ~2 weeks. There is no duty, GST/PST or brokerage fees on incoming packages valued at under CA$20.)
1:36 pm
I just picked up the neoprene case for my Nokia 1600; and it fits perfectly. I'm very happy. I picked mine up for a dollar at the Dollarama in the East York Town Centre , Toronto ON, M4H1C3