While this site started with an FAQ about the Speak Out Wireless service in general, I notice a lot of general pay as you go, cell phone, GSM / SIM card questions.
Generous and knowledgeable contributors such as Bylo, Big Ang, and others, tirelessly answer the same questions repeatedly. I'd like to make the best use of their efforts as possible and develop a general FAQ based on all of their answers. To do that, I'll need your help.
Whenever you come across a thread that answers basic cell phone questions (there is nothing wrong with such questions, by the way), post a link to it in this thread. I'll work to compile a general paygo / GSM cell phone FAQ from those threads. An example of such a thread is this one:
Thanks everybody!
Useful discussion on what's a SIM card and why Speak Out is suitable as an emergency phone:
Here's a questions I got via e-mail:
If, when in the States, I swap out the PetroCanada SIM card for a local card, will my PC still be active i.e. take voice messages that I could then check from the States?
Yes, people can still call your Petro Canada number and leave voice mail messages when your phone is off or when your SIM card isn't even in a phone. You can then call your own number to "sign in" to voice mail.
I got around to compiling these answers to make a SIM card guide. Let me know what improvements you'd like to see there. Many thanks to all of the regular contributors on this site.
8:37 pm
March 15, 2008

Great job, Peter!
Your explanations read well. I didn't see any inaccuracies.
You might want to add a link to this Wikipedia entry for those who want to learn more about SIMs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.....ity_Module
10:46 pm
October 8, 2011

This can be updated now that you can purchase the SIM card directly for $10:
"If you don’t like any of the phones that Speak Out sells, then you’ll have to do 2 things:
1. Buy a SIM card from someone on this forum or buy a SIM card and phone from 7-Eleven and just use the SIM card (you can then sell the phone that came with the purchase).
2. Buy a GSM phone that will work with a Speak Out SIM (either an unlocked GSM phone that uses the 850MHz and/or 1900MHz bands or one that is locked to Rogers). Then place the SIM card into that phone."
10:47 pm
October 8, 2011

12:00 pm
June 3, 2011

Under FAQ 18 I think you could elaborate on exactly which carrier service of Rogers SpeakOut uses.
I believe it's only the older 2G Edge service and not the full 3G service. There is a reference to the map of Rogers coverage but you don't state which level is supported (It's certainly not LTE!)
Most users probably don't know the difference or care but I think if you want to be clear on exactly what is being offered that would be the place to describe it. Perhaps you could also explain what they can expect in terms of speed, etc.