1:05 am
According to Massonite at Howard Forums (thanks to Bylo for the initial heads up on that HoFo thread), if you topup your phone by Nov. 15, you get a 20% bonus. This will work for any voucher that you haven't used yet (i.e., it doesn't matter when you bought the voucher), just as long as you topup by Nov. 15. I'm not exactly sure if Nov. 15 is the last day or if you must topup before that date.
6:18 pm
Hello, I was hoping the $100 cards + free phone deal was still on, so I went to 7-11 today.
The signs all indicate the 20% bonus deal is on now (Oct - Nov 15)
I asked the cleark if the $100 deal was still on, and he said no, but would return after Nov 15, with a new phone.
SO..does anybody have any more info on this. I appears that when the 20% bonus deal ends, the $100 + free Phone will start again!..
Next Best deal now, seems to be buy a Nokia for $100 and get $50 + 20 % bonus in talk time.
11:49 am
Talked to a rep, she didn't know about the promo coming back. Anyway I asked, if you bought the phone within 15 days, you can return it and buy a new one with the promotion. (That would be the case for example it the phone breaks down etc...) I bought my phone just few days back.
According to the rep it is not possible to transfer the unused credit from one number to another (from one account to another) unless there is a valid reason. A valid reason for instance is when you had to change the phones because the first phone that doesn't work or breaks down or so...