911 fee increase? | 7-Eleven Rates and Plans | Consumer forum

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911 fee increase?
November 23, 2007
8:52 pm

Hi there,

Picked up two different pamphlets at the local 7-11 for the Speakout plan. One is the same as the PDF scan available at this site. The other, however, states that:

A 911 emergency tax and Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee of $1.50 will be debited from your account on a monthly basis.

This is different from the other pamphlet which states the fee as .99cents (which I assume they meant 99cents, or $.99 =P)

Am I correct in assuming that they increased the 911 fee now to $1.50 per month?

November 24, 2007
12:04 am

They might have raised the 911 fee, but I think the most likely explanation is that you've picked up an old pamphlet. The 911 fee used to be $1.50 until it was lowered to $0.99 about a year ago.