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Charge for busy call
January 10, 2009
4:46 pm
Forum Posts: 1
Member Since:
January 10, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I am new to speakout wireless. When I called someone whose phone was NOT "ON", I was still charged for it. It does not make sense to me. Let me know your thought

January 10, 2009
5:08 pm

Once it "connects" regardless if its voicemail or a person, you will be charged for it. If its just ringing and you don't connect at all, you won't be charged.

January 10, 2009
7:08 pm

Thank you I-Z for your prompt response.
I called my son whose phone was not "on" and his voice mail had not been set up
, 711's system picked up my call and announced a message to me, I was still charged.
I called 611 customer service, they said the charge was correct as it was still regards as a call....even though I felt it was not fair.
I have not tried the following scenarios:.
1. Any charge if you call someone whose phone is busy, but no voice mail set up.
2. Any charge if you call someone whose phone is busy and you hang up before his voice mail starts
Just be aware when a call is charged.
Thank you.