11:11 am
February 11, 2011
Example: If you bought your card and applied it on January 30 at 5p.m. You have till next year on January2 9, 1 minute passed midnight to apply it. But when you call in, it will say you have till January 30, which gives you the idea that you have till midnight January 30, cause there is 24 hours before January 30 ends. I think they should change that to say your time expires an January 29. They say it expires in 365 days, but if you purchased it on January 30 and applied it by 5 p.m. then they should be giving you till January 30 at 5p.m. and because they won't deal with times (which I understand) then to be fair, they should give you till midnight January 30. I think it's another way of being able to fool you so they can grab the air time you have left. It's like saying that if a coupon says you have till March 30 before it expires but it actually expires on March 29 at 1 minute passed midnight. Which is theoretically March 30. But March 30 does not end till midnight of that day.
Hope that makes sense
11:42 am
September 28, 2010
You really need to get a hobby if you fill your day contemplating something so meaningless.
For the record their policy statement couldn't be any more clear: they tell you the date your account expires, the moment the clock ticks past midnight and hits that date your balance has expired!!!! It's not a 365+1 day policy.
2:12 pm
April 14, 2009