How long do I have to activate a new phone? | 7-Eleven Rates and Plans | Consumer forum

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How long do I have to activate a new phone?
December 10, 2008
11:35 am
Mel Boracis

Hi, I'm with Petro mobility but I put my dad on Speak Out. He needed more minutes so I decided to take the 100 minute/nokia 1208 promotion since I have family coming in a couple of months and I figured they could use the phone. Is there a time limit to activate a new phone? Can I wait until March/April when they come and let them activate the phone or do I have to do it sooner?

December 10, 2008
12:31 pm
Forum Posts: 576
Member Since:
March 15, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

The phones come preactivated with $5 of airtime. You are probably safe to wait a couple of months to start using the phone, however, I would suggest you try it now just in case there is a problem with the phone or the phone number and you need to exchange/repair it. Note that when you start using the phone SO will start deducting 99c/month for 911 fee. Still, that is a small price to pay to be sure everything works OK.

In any case you will need to activate the $100 air time voucher within 90 days of purchase.