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New minute rate!
June 24, 2009
7:49 am
101sp_Permalink sp_Print

I use SO because I work at 7-Eleven so I can get the special employee airtime vouchers. The $25 card gives me $30 worth. I'm an occasional talker but frequent texter so the 5 cents incoming/outgoing texts are fine. with Rogers and Virgin incoming texts were free but sent texts were 15 cents. My Rogers plan was 25 cents a minute for the first five minutes of the day then 15 cents. Virgin was only 10 cents a minute local but I couldn't find any nice phones on the virgin plan. So I ditched Virgin and bought a nice PAYGO Rogers phone, got annoyed with them (so not going their), then I got the cheapest PAYGO SO phone and switched the SIMs so I have SO on the good phone and the cheap phone put up as a spare.

June 24, 2009
2:48 pm
102sp_Permalink sp_Print

Besides ignoring what freakout said, I just looked at the US site.

The expiry dates are now 30 days for 10$, 90 days for 20$, 120 days for 30$ and you get 365 days from 50$ or 100$.

Will this not mean they will do the same in Canada?
Since when do they have these denominations in america? Is it recent? If it is recent, then I fear for speakout in Canada

June 25, 2009
12:38 am
Big Ang
Forum Posts: 243
Member Since:
October 21, 2008
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The US and Canadian cellphone markets are way different. Most of the time we're getting ripped off. 🙁

However, my guess is that Speakout will keep it's 365 day expiry time, at least for the $100 top-up (at a minimum), because many of the other cellphone companies (including Rogers) have a $100/365day top-up. And Speakout does use the Roger's system.

And, in all honesty, the 365 day expiry is Speakout's MAIN selling point. Without it, Speakout might as well give up.

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