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Oh, my good golly!
August 26, 2008
3:33 am
Gopher Guts

I almost didn't believe my ears, but tonight I actually heard an actual ad on the actual radio touting the 7-11 Speakout service we all know and love. Does this mean we can go out in public with our phones and not get laughed at? Oooooooooo, I feel all tingly!

August 26, 2008
7:54 am

go out in public with our phones and not get laughed at?

I've never been laughed at, although I have been asked about how to get a SO phone by people who are almost too embarrassed to admit that they're now paying $30 to $50

    a month

for a "basic" phone plan.

August 26, 2008
8:59 am

Yeah, when I explain my cell phone deal that I only pay around $50 year, they think I'm crazy or lying. With my math, with the promo, my usage and with top-up, it will cost me in four years $215.

August 27, 2008
12:35 am

I'm with PCM and I still have 23.8$ credit out of my original 25$ and I start using PCM just over 2 months now.

At this rate i'm guessing I will not pay more than the minimum 40$/year. Also start answering my phones rather than leaving it to voice-mail and phone my friends back from my landline when i'm home 😛

August 27, 2008
2:20 am
Forum Posts: 639
Member Since:
March 31, 2007
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Do ad spots represent an investment on 7-Eleven's part in order to attract more customers, in order to get more revenue to add more useful features?