3:49 pm
hey guys i just emailed speakout and i found this pretty interesting...
i wrote "hey do you know if the prices are going to go up again?? is there going to be any added features in the future?? like unlimiter text messaging or web browsing?? thank you"
answer... "There are no plans to raise our prices. Yes we are working on a text package for an August or September launch but web browsing is still too costly as provided by Roger's Wireless our provider."
what do you guys think??
5:19 pm
March 15, 2008

There are no plans to raise our prices.
That's what all vendors say -- until they raise prices 😉 (What else can they say?)
Yes we are working on a text package for an August or September launch
I suppose that`s intended to compete with other carriers who offer flat fees for text. That would also coincide with the start of school so that would be a good marketing move -- unless it means the end of the buy $100 airtime and get a free phone promo that`s also offered at that time.
web browsing is still too costly as provided by Roger's Wireless our provider."
Hardly surprising considering it`s Robbers infrastructure they`d have to use.