1:16 pm
June 2, 2009

I have learned that customer service is helpful learning how to adjust the phone and make it loud enough for me to hear. I lost my 1208 last week and learned that it is difficult to find a replacement phone or sim card..on any of the forums at a reasonable price..valuable commodity(I had the benefit of the $100/free phone last offer). I might as well lose the $25. left and/or wait for the next offer. I learned that to buy a sim card to put in my daughter's unlocked travel phone is as expensive as buying the phone new. I realize that I am very happy with the speakout service. It serves my minimal needs and I don't like to talk and drive but I do like the security of having a phone if I need it. I have learned lots of tips from reading this forum. I have also learned that even though this phone is unlocked it did not work for my daughter with a thai sim card when she went on holiday(she had to buy a phone there)...which makes me wonder if it really is unlocked. I discovered that by putting a message on my voicemail not to leave messages, I still know who called by the number..and don't waste my minutes by answering the messages for extending my vehicle warranty! I still do not know how to use all the features but it doesn't matter.I am happy that Speak Out is there for us at a reasonable rate per minute and with a 1 year expiry date. (ex telus, virgin mobile user). It takes the pressure off me to remember to top up and not to be bugged every 30 days. Thank You for your forum!
2:40 pm
I first started researching for a cell phone alternative a year ago. I wanted a phone for emergencies and a few calls. I started with just the known companies and I was deflated with the rates and plans. Robbery! I came across this site and was skeptical;
7-11? the convenience store? As I looked further into this site, I began to trust it. Believe it or not, I never knew about pre-paid pay as you go options. So I was thrilled, Speak Out was perfect for someone like me. Being a penny pincher I hung on, waiting for the promotion. I almost grabbed one last week. Then I learned about this June deal just in time! Ok, not a free phone this time, but with a referral bonus, I found it was still a good deal. Extremely happy!
Thank you to all who contribute here, especially of course, Peter. And thank you for this contest, too.
Every dollar helps. Especially in these times.
3:13 pm
June 1, 2009

I was using Rogers prepaid for several years and liked the service coverage and lack of contracts. However, the airtime and text usage rates were high and I didn't like that I had to remember to go dump $10 on each month or all my carried over time was lost (I know i could set it up for automatic paments, but the minimum was $20/month). I started looking for a better alternative for my emergency cel phone, with my best case being similar area coverage and could keep for about $10 per month. I knew 7-11 carried speakout, but had no clue of their service or any real info on them. Then I found this site, which helped bring together every possible peice of info I could need on choosing a prepaid canadian cell phone. I now have a 7-11 speakout (which was free thanks to a promo I found out about here), I can drop $100 on at a time (which lasts close to a year) and not worry about it expiring while enjoying cheaper per minute and text rates, and it uses the Rogers network so I get the same area of coverage I used in the past. As a bonus, I have a phone that starts with a 7-11 logo (I am there every morning for a big gulp for work)...So This page helped provide all the information I could ever need in making an informed customer decision to use Speakout for my prepaid wireless needs and I've been happy for the past year.
5:07 pm
November 6, 2008

I've learned that Canadian consumers are very passionate about their wireless service. For example, when Speak Out Wireless introduced their $15/30-day expiry voucher, they claimed that it was for the benefit of their users. However, many existing Speak Out users were not amused with the move, and they voiced their opinions on the matter in this thread:
I've also learned that Canadian wireless service providers would be wise to realize the potential of word of mouth advertising. Before Speak Out Wireless had an official Canadian website, this was one of the few sites to provide comprehensive and accurate information regarding the service and its offerings. This website, which was created by a Speak Out user, has likely generated more interest for Speak Out Wireless than their own official website.
6:05 pm
June 2, 2009

actually the reason i bought my SO was becuz of this site, i was just browsing the net for cell phone rates and just happened to stumble onto this page, after learning about the 365 expiry and 0$for a phone if i buy 100$ voucher, i drove down to the nearest 7-11 and bought my first SO, nokia5200, i was asked to pay a small portion of the phone, but the extra 25$ added onto the 100$ voucher makes up for what money i had to put in, all in all i didn't pay more then maybe a couple hundred for 1 year, and little hassle since the expiry is for 1 year, thanks to a great website, luv the phone, and hopefully SO doesn't start shortening that 1year expiry, thanks lots
8:02 pm
I knew the 7-11 had the cellphone service with 365 days expired from the 7-11 store 1 1/2 years ago but didn't know any details and not really believe it. Until I found this very usefull web site and I learned that all about the Speakout cellphone service and about what is the previllages about GSM over CDMA system and also about the features of the Speakout cellphone service NEW and OLD. I can learn from this web site all of the up-to-date information and promotion about Speakout that I can not get from any other place. Thanks Peter for running this web site to give all of us a lot of helpful knowledge about the cellphone. Thank you Peter.
2:11 am
I have learned from this site the number of different prepaid providers and what each of them have to offer. It was because of this site (and the free phone promo!) that I went with 7-11 for prepaid.
Before this I had used Bell prepaid as that was the phone I had available to use and I was paying $25 every two months for the service; one month where I missed topping the account up and there goes almost $400 in airtime.
Now with 7-11 I can top up with lower denominations and still get the longer expiry dates which is perfect for an emergency only use phone for me.
9:40 am
October 21, 2008

I've learned how poor the cell phone choices available to Canadian consumers are compared to many other countries. But with some care, and a good analysis of one's needs, and the help of the good folks on this forum, we can find a mobile phone appropriate to our needs. I've had my SO phone for 8 months and I'm very happy with it.
11:35 am
I heard about 7-11 speak out first from my wife, don't really have any idea where she found out about the phone plan. The great thing is it definitely beats my current Fido plan (3 -year, 19/month, and no caller-id, nor texting service), so Sayolala Fido, and here I am, 7-11.
Finding out that 7-11 is having promotion for the next two months from your website has definitely helped me make my mind. And one of the posts here says s/he actually got the phone for 39 CAD (89-50 discount), sweet deal!
1:09 pm
April 23, 2009

Every "useful and unbiased" thing I know about cell phone plans I have learned from the speakoutwireless.ca site. The brochureware and marketing spiel offered by the providers seems to have one goal.. to hoodwink the consumer into committing to something they will regret later.
Having said that, the number one thing I have learned from speakoutwireless.ca is the power of community. I never would have guessed that something as mundane as cell phone service could elicit such a warm and caring community. My decision to go with SO after two years of virgin was because of this site. I'm very happy with my SO phone and look forward to years of worry free usage.
Kudos to Peter for setting up an unbiased and impartial forum for people to share their experiences and to the hard working moderators for keeping order in the chaos. The following thread sold me on the genuine caring nature of this
community rallying around a senior's request for help..
Keep the good work everyone!
2:38 pm
Through this site, I was able to subscribe to SO for me & my wife. I was a long time Fido prepaid customer. I paid $10/month since I'm not a heavy user (just for emergencies). I lost $350 in my accumulated airtime via Fido since I forgot to refill it twice. I switched to SO for a year now, no regrets at all.
Keep it up!!!
7:37 pm
June 1, 2009

Quoting Patch:
"This website, which was created by a Speak Out user, has likely generated more interest for Speak Out Wireless than their own official website."
Kind of ironic, but very true.
Although I would like to receive brownie points for showing the link to where I learned all the stuff, I am too lazy to find all the pages.
Anyways, what I have learned is:
1) Customer service is excellent. They can change your phone number for free, except that it has to be different than your current number's area code.
2) Airtime expiry dates can range from 30 to 365 days.
3) I can know about promotions before they occur (e.g., someone found out about the June 2009 promotion, with proof)
4) Checking voicemail is free, if you check it from a landline.
5) I learned a lot about placing phone calls, and whether it counts as local or long distance.
That's just a very basic summary of some of the many things I have learned on this website, but I know I am missing a ton more.
I wouldn't have known about all the details, nooks and crannies, etc. of SpeakOut Wireless and Petro-Canada services, if it weren't for this site.
Thank you everybody for participating! The contest is now closed. My random number picker has chosen Mike as the winner and he has been sent the voucher number.
I figure I should echo something I mentioned to one of the moderators: thank you very much, again, to everybody who visits this site and especially those who contribute regularly to helping others. I did not secretly intend to make this contest a solicitation for "thank you" messages but it seems like people had genuinely nice things to say about the site. I am but a small part of the community here and the thanks should definitely be extended to everybody else 🙂