6:12 pm
July 12, 2009

1: July 2009
2: Telus
3: Was on a monthly plan -- roughly $35.00 per month.
4: $1.25 most months -- phone only used when travelling -- those months are $25.00 or more.
5 Nokia N95 8Gb. (Former Rogers -- unlocked)
I use Speakout to avoid the 30 cent per minute long distance plus airtime charges for incoming calls while travelling away from home.
10:29 am
March 2, 2011

2:41 pm
December 10, 2011

4:09 pm
October 7, 2010

7:19 pm
December 10, 2011

12:33 am
November 28, 2009

7:36 am
December 11, 2011

2:26 pm
October 15, 2008

5:59 pm
December 11, 2011

5:41 am
December 12, 2011

8:22 am
December 9, 2011

9:08 am
May 2, 2009

10:48 am
December 10, 2011

2:57 pm
August 22, 2010

12:15 pm
December 13, 2011

1:49 pm
December 13, 2011

1) When you joined Speak Out (if applicable)
december 2011
2) Who your previous provider was (if any) and the basic details of the plan you had
fido prepaid
3) How much your average monthly spend was with your previous provider
4) How much your average monthly spend is with Speak Out (if applicable)
5) The make and model of your current phone
galaxy gio