7:30 am
April 22, 2009

2:24 pm
October 14, 2008

4:56 pm
April 22, 2009

I think the gradients on the red buttons are the problem, A more neutral, and solid colour could make a better button. I cannot really say what would be better, it is one of those I know what I hate sort of things, I guess!
Than again, the text on the solid red seems to look fine, maybe I have a problem with the gradient, and not the colour.
11:33 pm
January 18, 2009

Yes, the buttons with black text. I get nauseous looking at them. If its only me then I guess I live with it. Why red anyway? Blue seems pretty standard on forums and it is easy on the eyes. Looking at the red gets my BP up a notch or two and my quintuple bypass might not last as long as it is supposed to!!
7:33 pm
April 22, 2009

9:30 pm
December 30, 2010

11:45 pm
January 18, 2009

7:33 am
May 2, 2009

Peter said
I've switched it now to "minimalist". If it's too much white, there are a couple of blue themes we can try.
Seems a bit too white now. Perhaps another theme that frames the postings a bit more distinctly? But, whatever you select will be fine with me.
One other thing I noticed... I always go to the "latest postings" section, but that list does not have the same detail that it used to, for example showing the number of pages.
Thanks for all your feedback so far. I've changed it to one of the many blue themes now. Here are some other options:
Gray (I like this one, but it has a really dark alternate shaded background as you can partially see; I could always override it if the rest of the theme is acceptable)
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3 (the current one)
Blue 4
(There was at least someone who liked the minimalist theme, so who knows, maybe we'll end up back with that again.)
I'm also not a fan with the new "latest postings" section. The problem is, I had custom written the old one with the table-like display, and none of that code is valid anymore . So, it's possible, but will be a bit of a challenge.
1:32 pm
April 22, 2009

Blue 3 is a nice choice. Other than Blue 4, the other choices are decent also. But even Blue 4 is better than the last 2 themes. Everything is readable, and the colors don't cause my eyes to bleed! The White minimalist theme was passable, at least compared to the previous theme. That theme should have been named Tampex Red!
6:10 pm
October 14, 2008

12:12 pm
January 18, 2009