Thank you for participating in the forums. This site is not directly sponsored or affiliated with Speak Out Wireless or any other wireless carrier or company. We are all here to share and learn from each other.
To help this online community operate smoothly, please abide by the following rules and guidelines:
1. Be nice to each other! No swearing or derogatory comments allowed.
1a. No childish name calling, or disrespect against anyone, including the moderators & admins. Disagreeing with someone is one thing, but name calling is not tolerated here at all.
2. Feel free to correct anybody who gives misinformation, but remain polite, stick to the facts rather than focusing on the person's character, and give people the benefit of the doubt.
3. Use the "Report post" button or send a PM to any of the site moderators (iamdrumming, bridonca, 905Guy, Peter) if you notice any suspicious or undesirable forum activity.
4. Don't be scared to ask something that might have already been asked. However, make use of the search functionality, accessed in the top left of the page. You might save yourself time waiting for a response if a similar question has already been answered.
5. Do not promote your product, service, or business on this forum, especially wireless competitors to SpeakOut. Spam includes spamming links included in your signature. There is a zero tolerance for spammers. All spammers will be banned.
6. Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several forums). Double posts can and will be deleted without warning.
7. Your input about this site itself is valued. Post comments, feedback, corrections, and so on in this subforum.
8. Where applicable, respect subforum-specific rules:
Referral Code Requests Rules
Phone Exchange Rules
5:02 pm
October 14, 2008
Some more rules I find necessary
9. Read #4 again.
USE THE SEARCH BUTTON! We are here to help but there is already lots of good information that is readily accessed by using the search feature. Chances are your question has already been answered, especially in regard to device specific (iPhone/Blackberry, etc) questions.
10. Do not ask how you can circumvent SpeakOut's rules, or how you can use SpeakOut's service on a computer or other non-phone device(including tablets, Rogers Rocket Hubs/Sticks, etc) SpeakOut is a wireless phone service provider. DO NOT ASK ABOUT TETHERING, regardless of provider. Since tethering with SpeakOut is highly against the rules, people might think if they see discussion about tethering with another provider, the might assume discussion about tethering with SpeakOut is also allowed. IT IS NOT. If you would like to talk about a certain provider at length, then find a forum dedicated to that provider. This is a site dedicated to SpeakOut.
SpeakOut only supports their devices, and we should not be discussing on how to "bend the rules". We should support SpeakOut because we know they are the best value in wireless, or none of us would be here. If you have any questions about legalities, consult the official SpeakOut site. Any more threads/posts about tethering, cloning sim cards, using the phone just as a modem, or how to bend the rules, will be deleted immediately, and possible banning of the people involved.
11. READ AND UNDERSTAND THE RULES BEFORE YOU POST IN THE FORUM! If you are a newbie to this site, make yourself familiar with the rules of this site (and especially the rules on the official site), as well as the home page, instead of going straight to the forums. The home page has lots of good information on it. Every forum based site has rules, and this site is no exception.
12. Please keep discussions in their proper forum. If you have a phone/device specific question, that question should go into the "Phone/Device Issues and Features" forum. If you are looking for something to buy/sell/trade, then post it in the "Buy/Sell/Trade" forum. Please keep all other discussions out of that forum.
13. Everything has it's place, let's post accordingly. If a new thread is posted in the wrong forum, it may be moved or deleted without warning.
14. Please do not bump a thread for more than once per week. For instance, this would eliminate a thread
that has 15 posts, and has 10 posts that just say "bump", and most "bumps" were entered within a month or less.
15. Do not resurrect old threads. Discussion is great, but replying to a thread that hasn't been talked in a couple of years doesn't really do a service to anyone. All current or newer threads will have relevant discussions. Posts that resurrect old threads can and will be deleted without warning.
16. NO live links. Too many spammers come here, saying "I heard about this site/competitor to Speakout", then post a live link of their website. That is spam, and is NOT tolerated here. Mentioning certain sites (manufacturer's site) is ok, but do not copy and paste live links in the post. Posts containing live links can and will be deleted without warning.
17. Do NOT hijack threads. That includes any thread that was started to discuss a certain item/idea, but people later on hijacked the thread into what they wanted to discuss. Every forum based site I know has strict rules against hijacking threads.
For instance, if someone opens a thread to discuss a specific latest gadget, do NOT hijack that same thread to discuss some other gadget. Open your own thread.
18. Please do not come to this site, looking to unlock your phone, and provide info like your IMEI number. Asking if it's possible to unlock a phone is ok, but we are not an unlocking site.