12:30 am
April 23, 2009

i went to several 7-11's in burnaby and none have the 5200 and only one open box 1208 ... wth !@#$%^&*
so i phoned around a dozen more stores in metro vancouver and not one has the 5200, i asked when they are getting more and no one could tell me, one guy even said there is a shortage and they won't be getting any more!!!!
is this true? no more 5200's
12:24 pm
April 23, 2009

2:22 pm
April 23, 2009

well i guess it's true... just saw this over at the official speakout site, no mention of the 5200 or anything new to replace it...
so it looks like we missed the boat ... too bad really, i was looking forward to trying SO.
but with only 3 crappy phones to choose from and the *new* trend towards 30 days expirys (cos you know it's coming) i think they gonna lose alot of market share.
i bet rogers wants to quietly kill off these resellers... grrrrr
9:18 am
I have an almost new in box 5200 I would be willing to part with. It has $119.00 left on the plan and expires March 26, 2010.
Edit by admin: Please start your own post in the phone exchange forum about this.