4:33 pm
September 7, 2016

8:33 am
July 31, 2014

Stopped into our neighbourhood 711 here in north central YYC and asked them what they had .... just a single fido unit. And the clerk seemed surprised at that as she had to dig deep !
p.s.Over 2 months ago I switched from SO for another service provider for cheaper unlimited canada-wide talk/mon. and that actually has FREE voicemail that does not impact time counter !
Thanks SO for the previous service provided .
Good Bye.
1:01 pm
September 7, 2016

pdops said I live in a town in Alberta, population 10,0000, with a single 7-11 store. Since I purchased my SpeakOut phone about 18 months ago the store no longer carries any phones or displays anything related (accessories, topup cards).
I was visiting this store a week ago and was surprised to see a poster in the window advertising the current SpeakOut deals. I asked the clerk about and he did not know anything about it or if they were selling phones again.