11:37 pm
July 15, 2009

I am looking for stores or a place to buy phone cards, I have called all the 7-11 in central ohio (zip code 43210) with no luck. Any way to buy on line and have them sent to me or a lsit of stores that do carry the cards.
the 7-11 operator told me I can not use a credit card to add, only a card that is bought at 7-11, she siaid a lot of people have this problem that due to the way the acctount is set up only can add air time with actual phone card.
thank you for any help
Mike berry
Columbus ohio
7:59 am
October 14, 2008

Hi Mike,
Unfortunately, you can not buy airtime online through 7-Eleven. Have you tried the store locator, found on the 7-Eleven site? I tried it right now, and found several in Columbus (4 stores) and several in the areas around Columbus. I am surprised that all of the stores you called said they have no airtime cards. I have been to several 7-Elevens in Columbus and Cleveland in the last year, and all of the ones I physically went to had airtime cards. I have found also that alot of the 7-Eleven clerks are clueless. Some are lazy, and do not want to help you. Other clerks I have talked to didn't even know what Speak Out Wireless was!
I assume since you are in the USA, you are looking to buy airtime for the American Speak Out version. You can only buy airtime for the Canadian version of Speak Out in Canadian 7-Eleven stores.
10:44 am
July 15, 2009

Yes,I am trying to buy the speak out wireless card, I have actual visted many of the stores in Central ohio and even some outside of Ohio when we go on trips and only a very few ( eastern US) seem to have them, now they have tons of the air time cards for other carriers jsut not speak out. and this is confirmed by the speak out operator personel telling me this over the phone. The frustrating thing is the operator says it is a know problem with many people calling all the time but no data base where they could be purhased or ordered. the one store I was getting the from when we visited realtive closed. I guess each store owner decided what air time crds to carry.
thanks again
11:02 am
October 14, 2008

That really sucks. I know that there are plenty where I live (Niagara Falls). I would suggest calling Speak Out customer service, and maybe get them to call the individual stores to order the Speak Out card or get customer service to ship the cards to the closest 7-Eleven to you.
The best thing is, once you find one, you keep the same card and keep refilling on the same card.
4:21 pm
July 15, 2009

cunstomer service has no interest in doing this, at least the one I talked to
about refilling, maybe I got it wrong but I was told if they do not seel the actual Speak out card they can not refill it, I tried "refilling " over the phone but the only option was to use a new card or one that was refilledat the 7-11 store, sound correct?
4:36 pm
October 14, 2008

True, you can not refill it online. What I mentioned was calling Speak Out customer service and mentioning that none of the 7-Elevens in your area carry the Speak Out card, and see if they can send a shipment of the physical cards to the 7-Eleven closest to you.
If you have problems with Speak Out customer service, I would suggest asking for a supervisor. I ran into problems once, with each Speak Out rep giving me a different answer to the same question. I then asked to speak with a supervisor, and was put in touch with the Direction of Operations. My problems were solved that day.