1:38 pm
October 22, 2008

According the official Speakout website the answer is no.
Not sure if Speakout will ever get the 2680, or if they would even want to. If they did, it would be as a replacement for the 5200 (as they are both slider phones). The 2680 looks better (IMO) but the specs are a little lower, specifically it lacks an card slot for microSD (or any similar memory).
However, I could easily be wrong. Sooner or later Speakout will need to replace the 5200, perhaps sooner since they have recently lowered the price. The current options to replace that phone are either the 2680 slider or the 3600 slider, and the 3600 seems a little too high end for Speakout.
The 2760 flip phone will need to be replaced eventually as well. Perhaps Speakout will get the Nokia 3555 flip that PetroCanada Mobility is offering? That phone can easily take the 'high-end' spot currently used by the 5200 slider, and then Speakout can use the 2680 as their mid-range phone.
But we can only speculate about the future, and I've been wrong with my guesses about Speakout before.