7:39 am
I just called all 5 7-11 stores in Ottawa and got the same answer each time. "We no longer sell Speakout Wireless phones". I called the 1-800 number for 7-11 and they said that they were aware of the issue but could not comment further.
One 7-11 store told me they were being purchased by Quickie. All 5?
So it looks like Petro-Can for me. Crap!
7:47 am
I should add I called the 6th 7-11 store and while they had some phones left, come December 1st all stores will be changing owership and the phone would no longer be sold. This store mentioned availablity would be continued through Petro-Canada. Which makes no sense unless they merge the products.
8:36 pm
Jake said:
I should add I called the 6th 7-11 store and while they had some phones left, come December 1st all stores will be changing owership and the phone would no longer be sold. This store mentioned availablity would be continued through Petro-Canada. Which makes no sense unless they merge the products.
7-11 being bought by Quickie deal to be completed by Nov 30th. Sad to see speak out go, but already have the sims cards I need so. Looking forward to see what Windmobile has to offer at the end of October.
10:04 am
The fact is there will be no 7-11s in Ottawa for Speakout to set up shop in. So just like other parts of the country we will have to find alternatives or pick up a SO phone in another city and either port your local number or get a new local area code assigned. For those that have SO phones I would be asking what the airtime purchase plan will be?
10:47 am
I also have been calling around the Ottawa 7-11's; one told me they are changing the store into a Quickie, the other told me Ottawa 7-11's no longer sell them, another told me to call back next week, another told me that a HOLD has been put on them for now , and the last one told me that all 7-11's in Ottawa are changing to Quickies. so maybe petrocan will be the only decent alternative in this region
10:49 am
Jake said:
I should add I called the 6th 7-11 store and while they had some phones left, come December 1st all stores will be changing owership and the phone would no longer be sold. This store mentioned availablity would be continued through Petro-Canada. Which makes no sense unless they merge the products.
By the way. 7-11 speak out and the petrocan cell plan share the same customer service. So maybe the speak out option could become available at Petrocan. Some investigation might be useful on that front
6:00 pm
Just Ottawa AFAIK. I normally post over at DH and a member called Ask SpeakOut answered my question there.
SpeakOut cellular users residing in Ottawa only will have the option to transition to an alternate wireless provider at no cost. Full details regarding the transition will be sent to SpeakOut users via text message the week of October 12th