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Best plan/phone for my needs...
May 28, 2009
12:31 pm

Hi guys,

Ive been shopping around for the best deal for me. Its gonna be my first cell phone so I dont really know how many minutes/month I would need so I decided to start with a prepaid plan. After looking at most brands (im in the province of Quebec) the nights and weekends deal from Rogers (39 cents/min during the day and 1 cent/min after 8PM and during WE) seems to be something that would make me save more than a constant 30 cents/min type of deal (like virgin or telus). With that being said, I dont know much bout cell phones but Im a tennis instructor and Ive been using the Tennis Clubs cell phone for the past 2 years a Moto V3 Razr, which isnt bad at all imho. Im looking for the best prepaid phone offered by Rogers. Here are the possibilities ( :

-Samsung S366 (114$)
-Samsung J706 (99$)
-Sony Ericsson W200a (99$)
-Nokia 2680 (89$)
-Motorola W370 (69$)
-Motorola V3 RAZR (99$)

Thank you very much guys,

If you feel that there is a better deal for me, feel free to tell me.


May 28, 2009
1:19 pm

I am also considering Petro-Canada Mobility which also seems to deliver a pretty good deal.

May 28, 2009
8:23 pm
Big Ang
Forum Posts: 243
Member Since:
October 21, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

If the vast majority of your calls will be after 8pm, then go with Rogers. YOu can check out Fido as well, as theirs is 5cents per minute evenings, but those evenings start at 7pm.

If you plan on using your phone evenly throughout the day, then get a plan that has a low per minute rate anytime. Speakout at 20cents per minute is among the lowest.

As far as the individual phones go, they're all non-smartphones, they're all basically the same, so whichever one you like. But if you need someone to make a decision for you, then get the Nokia 2680 if you're going with Rogers, or any of the Nokias if you're going with Speakout.

May 28, 2009
8:27 pm
Niagara Falls
Forum Posts: 2053
Member Since:
October 14, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

If you are to go with an MVNO, I would recommend Petro Canada Mobility over Speak Out, because there are no 7-Elevens in Quebec at all.

May 28, 2009
10:17 pm

In fact, I'm trying to figure out what would be the best bet between a flat 25 cents/minute rate and a 39-5 or 35-5 nights and WE for my needs. I'll be using it more over nights and WE than during the week days but i'd like to do or receive a phone call during the day without killing my wallet...

May 30, 2009
4:29 pm

Nothing else?