9:03 am
Hi Guys
Sharing the info...
Click on Wireless and see the rates on right column.
Includes voicemail and call display.
Only additional fee is 911.
No data packages.
Text messages are $0.10 Canada / $0.15 USA / $0.99 overseas.
Read fine print at bottom of page.
The catch is that they only have numbers available in some major cities in Canada. It is
- not
nationwide as yet. They keep promising...
You can get an unlocked GSM phone anywhere and buy their sim for $30 and you don't have to sign any contracts!
Also, you can earn $$ for referring others.....
So, help me out! Let me refer you and we both can win!
Email me with "DCI Referral Request" in subject, with the information below, to dlight.999 at gmail dot com
Referral Name: *
Phone Number:
Address: *
City: *
Province: *
Postal Code: *
(*= required)
Thank You!
All the Best to Everyone!
9:13 am
$3.95 Call Display
$5.95 Voicemail
$7.95 Call Display and Voicemail
Other add-ons like by-the-seconds billing, group / shared minutes, etc.
Just look at the right column of: