8:55 pm
August 13, 2009

I'm playing with the idea of starting a call back service. A low service, high value, simple call back/through service for those with either unlimited incoming, or a 'my 5' free outgoing plan.
With an unlimited incoming (like with wind prepaid) you basically get free voice (with the provider) Since people can call you with your cell # for free calls, and when you call out you pay a low rate, and they get your cell number on their call display, and they can call you back for free.
This works because people just know one number for you.
If you have a my5 plan, it's mostly just practical as a free outgoing calls system since telling people to call two different numbers is a pain.
I know that most people have unlimited plans on their phones these days, but it might fill a niche.
If you're interested in investing $1.04, for North America Dialing, I am going to test if I can configure 5c/min call for all of canada and USA. It might be a bit more depending on areas people call, and I"ll have to adjust, but if you're interested in investing $1.04 and trying it out, please send me a PM.
For this to be as low cost to you and since I'm just testing, you must be able to dial a Vancouver number for free on your phone.
If I can make this work out, then hopefully I can set up a low cost effective system that's cheap and simple. A lot of companies out there seem to charge a lot with BS monthly fees and such.
Looking for just one or two people.