A supposed leak:
Unfortunately, nothing to stir up the prepaid / low-end market... yet.
2:07 pm
March 15, 2008

A couple of quick comments...
1. I suspect their primary target is post-paid where the ARPU is ~$50/month rather than PAYGO. That's where the bulk of the profit and opportunity for growth are. They probably won't look at PAYGO or low-ARPU post-paid until they're on solid financial footing.
2. Note also that they have no coverage whatsoever in Quebec. That's going to impact them significantly especially in the more lucrative corporate market.
8:51 am
March 15, 2008

From Gloabalive's CEO:
Today there is a document posted on Howardforums that claims to be a Globalive Wireless presentation to clarify the situation that is not our document. There is a lot of speculation in the blogosphere about our plans and rates but this false document certainly takes it to the next level - and certainly shows a lot of enthusiasm out there!!
The reality is, we have yet to make any decisions with respect to our final offerings...
11:26 am
March 15, 2008

But I'm sure the slides are real.
They may be real but (for instance) they may be one set of several that were presented to focus groups to gauge their reaction.
Also the guy who posted them appears to be a disgruntled former employee so his motives are questionable.
In any case if these show the finalized offerings then there's not much of interest for the typical SO/PCM customer.
6:39 pm
Well I would switch to globealive
if and only if they have a plan like this:
$25/month no SAF
200 minutes
unlimited incoming
unlimited evenings 5pm
unlimited weekends
caller id
call waiting
voice mail
free smart phone with 3 year contract
for prepaid:
I dont think they can beat SO. As I understand it, with globealive you do not have a simcard that you can put on to any phone that you already own. So even if they match speakout with every terms they would still lose because users will be limited to whatever phone that will be issued.
10:04 am
March 15, 2008

Wireless start-up branches out with two brands
Globalive Wireless is still months away from launching mobile voice and data services in Canada with a promise to put customers first.
But the fresh-faced newcomer is already beginning to resemble the incumbent operators when it comes to marketing tactics.
Anthony Lacavera, the CEO of Globalive, said yesterday that the wireless start-up would pursue a two-brand strategy when it launches later this year, with one of the brands taking the same name as the company's Yak long distance service.
He said the decision was made after listening to consumer suggestions on a company website for the past several months.
"One of the things that came out loud and clear in that exercise, is that Canadians want to have lots of choice," Lacavera said in an interview.
Lacavera said a multi-brand approach allows Globalive to appeal to a wide range of potential customers -- from teens and tweens to small- and medium-sized businesses -- with a wide variety of handsets and services.
In addition to focusing on cheap, prepaid cell plans, Lacavera said Globalive wants to offer pricier wireless devices such as Research In Motion Ltd.'s BlackBerry line and Apple Inc.'s iPhone. Globalive is also looking at offering bundled wireless, Internet and home phone service, he said.
"We want to be able to provide services to a broad segment of the market over the long term."
[my bold]
4:55 pm
October 22, 2008

More competition is always good news for the customer!
Hopefully they'll follow Speakout's lead and offer 365 expiry time!
Mind you, that CEO was all over the map - high-end devices on one hand, and cheap prepaid on the other. Maybe he was keeping his options open and seeing what people demand and how the Big 3 react. I mean, the guy said that he wants to get the iPhone - no kidding! Every company wants the iPhone! But since Apple only gives it to one carrier in most of the markets they're in, I don;t see that happening. We'll see what actually comes out at the end of this year.