11:50 pm
August 13, 2009

I was such a rare user of my SO phone since it was so expensive. I didn't even have the $10/month unlimited browsing plan since my stock browser was terrible and SO didn't allow for 3rd party apps like opera mini that minimized data usage.
I lucked out on getting the unlimited incoming (now since closed), it's grandfathered, but now I also have a $2/day plan of which if I spend a total of $2 in a day, I get unlimited everything. Including actual unrestricted data.
This has proven to be quite handy.
The only thing I ever really have to pay for is outgoing texts (15c, but no monthly 911 fee so it only costs 15c after 55 text messages) and 1c per 10kb of data. I can quickly check email or websites if I really need on my phone for 1-5c per webpage which is really handy to check movie showtimes or to see if an important email come in.
What has really changed for me though is that if I use more than 2mb of data in a day, I get unlimited data till midnight of that day. This includes tethering! I can now do work almost anywhere I want to do work now.
Granted the speed isn't the greatest. Youtube viewing is out of the question, but the speed is relatively ok. I'm getting up to 1.3mbps which is pretty slow, and the ping times aren't the greatest, but for $2 I can't complain. My last little session here has me using 200mb of data while I surf on my laptop for $2. If I started surfing earlier in the day instead of 9pm, I probably could have used up a bit more.
7:02 am
March 12, 2009

3:55 pm
December 30, 2010

10:19 pm
August 13, 2009

No. You can only get the $2 unlimited daily data when using a wind phone in a wind zone.
Which is only good if you live in one of their major city centers. Of which I do.
And you don't have to spend $2 to use just a little bit of data. If you use your phone a little bit or a little bit of data, you only pay for that amount. So if you don't use your phone at all, or just make a call or text. You only pay per use. So your use for the day could be $0.
It's only when your useage goes over $2 in expenses in a day. (Lets say you used a 10 minute phone call that totalled $2, then calls, and texts, AND data are free for the rest of the day).
It's made the coffee shop experence much better. $2/day might be alot for a day of service, but being able to turn any location into a coffee shop is a nice luxury.
In the last two days I've spent $4 on airtime, which is a lot less than I would have spent on crummy food and overpriced drinks.
400mb in the last two days, a whole bunch of texts/calls for $4 is a pretty good deal. And when I'm not coffee shopping, I don't pay for anything else. It's nice to be able to use dropbox while working on my computer and not worrying about usage.
6:31 am
March 12, 2009

10:04 am
December 30, 2010

1:29 pm
August 13, 2009

46jimbo said:
It's just too bad that you have to fork out more money to get a compatible phone. Wouldn't it be nice if all phones were required to cover all the bands?
That's why I bought a pentaband phone in the first place when I was with SO. I don't make phone purchases that make me a slave to a certain carrier unlocked or not.
2:13 pm
August 13, 2009

chimpanzee said:
why i ask if roger's roaming is included
If you're not in the wind zone then you don't get free incoming and $2/day unlimited services, so if you're in a place that has no wind zone, but has rogers service (let's say Thunder Bay for example), you pay rates that are even better than if you were a regular customer with rogers for phone rates. 20c/min. The only downside is that data is still a pricey $1/mb, and 15c texts, but these rates are basically for all of north america, so I think it would make a great travelling phone
Also, there is no $1.25 911 fee, so you would need to make 25 text messages/month before the 15c/text was actually more expensive on wind.
Switching to Wind is still possible. You can put a wind sim in a standard rogers phone and still make calls, on the rogers network. Just be aware that it's 20c/min and 15c/text all the time for in and outgoing calls and outgoing text messages.
So if you talk more than you text, then it's a better value. If you spend more than $80/year, don't require data, it's a better value.
If you want to coffee shop and tether without restrictions in a wind zone. It's a hell of a deal. If you want to surf on your phone, and basically be connected to your facebook all day, it's a huge ripoff.
Last 2 days, 500mb, $4.