10:34 am
November 26, 2009

The sibling is wanting a phone, but not a monthly plan.
Was comparing speakout vs rogers and found that the monthly rates are almost identical. Assuming just want unlimited texting and no data plan, then it's $15.75 vs $16.25 a month.
Although rogers does charge $0.40/minute vs $0.25 and also chargers for people leaving voicemail (both obviously for checking these "messages" from that cell). I love how rogers even starts to charge as soon as the phone rings. So unless you don't activate voicemail and use some sort of call baring (in and out) get dinged for this.
Not sure how many pple would actual apply to in general with no voice and just text without data plan (for voip...) Just more for interest sake, since the sibling was looking for a cheap phone plan.
The $85/year unlimited texting plan on rogers would be great, but she has a tendency to loose phones. So not really an option.
12:02 pm
April 22, 2009

I am currently using an earlier $75 unlimited evenings and weekends plan. The main difference from the $85 plan is that you get 100 daytime minutes a year with the $85 plan, and the $85 plan is the only plan currently available. Which one is better depends on if you use daytime minutes.
You pretty much have to disable voice mail though, because of the unintended costs. I am on the voice plan, so I get dinged for incoming SMS. I have only got charged for one, from someone I do not know, which is annoying, but I factored that in with the cost.
Even with this, it is still a very good deal. I would get the airtime during Loblaws tax free sales, you can register with some Rogers top up program and get $5 more a year, so you can stretch it more.
As for the sibling always losing the phone, just get a spare Rogers SIM for $10, and transfer the account to that when the old phone is lost. Get cheap, used, phones from Kijiji, either Rogers, Fido or unlocked.
12:36 pm
November 26, 2009

I didn't think you could transfer an account to another sim. Or is it because of the rogers has the person's info when original sign up?
Plan on using cash for the initial purchase of the $85 plan. So no way a debit or credit card linked to an account in case of extra charges. So that way there is no way the sibling could actually use it for voice... I guess the only problem with that is would need to put in possible $10 (smallest voucher) for the 911 fees. Maybe I could ask if could pay the extra up front and buy a $100 voucher right away?
That's true about the phone. Although except for iphone that is Even the 4 you can get refurb from apple cheaper
Not to mention there was one person that said that it was 6 months old old. Which turns out they were the second owner. Only found out because told them that was impossible, because the phone hasn't been sold in retail for at least a year... Just my two cents ....
5:03 pm
April 22, 2009

You need to provide a name and address to register. I had to call a CSR to register it for a friend, because the Rogers web site was useless. Rogers website wanted me to buy a SIM, when I already has a perfectly good one in hand.
If you think you are going to lose the phone, save the card that a new SIM card is pinned on. The SIM card, and the larger card both have a unique IMSI number printed on them , so you can use that for ID if you lose the phone and SIM card, and need to transfer the old account to the New SIM card.
You have to buy a $100 voucher to use the $85 plan, but that lasts a year. You can buy the voucher with cash at any store that sells Rogers vouchers and accepts cash.
If I kept losing phones, I would not be buying iphones. Plenty of good, cheap $50 or less android devices. Some can be got new as prepaid at best buy or future shop. You just need to unlock them, which can be pretty cheap, depending on model. They are good enough as anything out there.