Europe Nokia phone
September 20, 2008
1:39 pm
1:39 pm
Big Ang
It should work. But the thing is that the 900 and 1800 MHz GSM bands are used in Europe, and the 850 and 1900 bands are used in N.America. So, your phone should work, but only work with the 1900 MHz cell towers. So, it will work with all the towers that were on the Fido network before Rogers bought them up, and some of the towers that Rogers built after they bought Fido.
So, basically, if you're in a large city, it should work about as well as a phone that has both 850 and 1900 MHz, but there might be some spots where the reception may stink for your phone, but will work with your friend's phone.
I'd rather use a phone with both N.American bands.