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Mobie Number Changes
August 2, 2008
11:12 am

Is it possible to obtain a vanity number if you are willing to pay a fee for it with PC.

August 21, 2008
10:32 pm

One way is to obtain a rogers or fido number, then switch it to PCM, 🙂

I do not think there is any way to do that because the sim card is bound to the phone. Just my guess.

August 22, 2008
11:24 am

Paulo said:

Is it possible to obtain a vanity number if you are willing to pay a fee for it with PC.

Dunno about PC but I tried and failed with SO. I even figured out that the vanity number I wanted was on SO's n/w. So I asked SO CS to ask for the number and was told no. I was willing to pay but still no luck. For the longest time, I would call the vanity number and get a fast busy so no one was even using it. But now when I call it, it appears to be activated now. I'd love to get a hold of the owner and offer up some sort of trade.

August 22, 2008
1:00 pm

I tried and failed with SO.

Here's the problem. SO's (and PCM's) phones come with SIMs that have phone numbers pre-assigned. The sticker on the box indicates your phone number. That way you don't have to explicitly activate the phone; just start making calls and they know that number is now in use.

Suppose you want a particular number. You call it and there is a fast busy. Even if SO/PCM would be willing to give you that number there is no practical way for them to do it. Somewhere, in some 7-11 or P-C store there is a phone with a SIM that has that number. So, assuming they even know where that phone is located, they'd have to recall it, change SIMs to reassign it a new number, return it to the store, etc. -- all in order for you to get a vanity number. Good luck with that 😉

August 22, 2008
2:02 pm

Thanks for the info, most helpful.

August 22, 2008
6:26 pm

I had grand visions that SO/PC would at least have a list of #s that they know are already distributed in SIMs or activated and then a list of #s that haven't been used yet.

They must already keep a separate pool/list of free #s for moves/lost #s/transfers, etc. I was hoping that my vanity # would be in that category or the "not on a SIM yet" list. No such luck tho. 🙁 When I called in, CS didn't have even have control over that pool of #s. The computer tells them which number to give out.

Some of those SIMs must come back to the "factory" anyways. I would assume phones returned to the store would have to go back, plus the older model phones that didn't sell would get returned. However I would assume in those situations (after testing/reprogramming/whatever), the SIMs would just reused into the new phones they ship out.

September 7, 2008
1:16 am

PCM is different from SO. The sim card in the new PCM phone that selling from the Petro Canada gas station don't have any telephone number in it.