2:24 pm
PC has decided to raise its fees and shorten expiry dates ! grrrr
I usually top up with their $20 180 days(6 months) .20c per call which is the best plan here in Quebec, but now they have raised it to $25 and 120 days(4 months) ,25 per call. Bad enough that the price went up, but to reduce the expire date and increase price per call is a triple whammy !
2:40 pm
Those of us on the PCM plan should all complain to them, raising prices is one thing, but to raise the price and decrease service is another !
Maybe is enough of us complain, their corporate wigs might changes their minds !
Strength through numbers !
4:49 pm
Funny enough I read about this when they sent a text message about their new website...
But, March 9th, I ran out & had to buy time. SO I asked for a $20 card as usual - and got one! (printed on there is the new $25 etc amounts & expiry) I added it to the phone right away - just in case the clerk screwed up... but it worked and still is good for 6 months too.
But then, maybe it just takes awhile for things to change in BC!
6:35 pm
March 12, 2009

I was all set to go with Petro-Canada. They are nation-wide plus you can top up your phone on their website.
But I'm a very light user and carry a phone for emergencies - a handful of calls a month. With the shorter expiry dates, it will now cost me a minimum of $75 a year to maintain my phone. This is oh so close to Roger/Fido rates ($100/year).
So I went with 7-Eleven where it's still just $25 per year. But I fear that this will change too, since 7-Eleven and Petro-Canada services are really the same company.
I'm hoping that the arrival of a few new cellular companies (there's one from Egypt on the way!) will keep the rates down.
10:07 am
I contacted pc and they said that they are only trying to keep up with rising costs. If that is true, then speakout will most likely follow suit. I went with pc because of the convenience of stations, online top ups and such, but the shorter expiration is a burden. If they are lying, then speakout will win. If speakout had online top ups, it's a no brainer. Why do they make it always trade-offs rather than a clear cut winner?
11:00 am
March 15, 2008

I contacted pc and they said that they are only trying to keep up with rising costs. If that is true, then speakout will most likely follow suit... If speakout had online top ups, it's a no brainer. Why do they make it always trade-offs rather than a clear cut winner?
If SO had online top-ups that would increase their costs. So they'd have to do what PCM just did, either increase rates or lower expiration periods.
10:03 pm
It looks ilke that there's no reason for anyone to top off $50 now. The $25 costs the same per minute $0.25, and two $25 would last you 240 days instead of just the 180 days. Is there something I'm not getting?
Local Calling Minutes
Days of Service
$15 60 Up to 30 days
Up to 120 days
Up to 180 days
Up to 365 days
8:13 am
March 15, 2008

Is there something I'm not getting?
You have only 90 days after you purchase it to apply a voucher to your account. If you buy 2 $25 vouchers at the same time you'd have a maximum of 120 + 90 = 210 days. So you'd have to buy them at different times and remember to apply them on the correct days. One mistake, even if it's only a day, and you're screwed. IMO some people would prefer the convenience of buying/applying one voucher over the extra 60 days of validity.