8:30 pm
February 6, 2012

7:05 am
February 2, 2012

skytown12 said:
im thinking about getting petro canada and a samsung nexus s smartphone. does anyone have any experience with this phone. i want the unlimited web browsing feature also. i post on here because they say that speakout is very similar to petro canada mobile.
nexus s works fine, setup is the same as the rest of the android phones.
7:08 am
February 2, 2012

Zack said:
I am having same idea. One of the phones with have is Nexus S on Wind. I am thinking about moving to Petro.
If somebody knows how to set it up for browsing please post it.
Wind Nexus S may not work on Speakout. I know that mine Nexus S will work on every network with the exception of Wind/Mobilicity. If yours work on Rogers/Bell/Telus then you are OK.