9:16 am
December 1, 2009

Received this e-mail.
Looks like the old grandfathered plans are going to be gone soon.
Important Message About Your Petro-Canada Mobility Service
Petro-Canada Mobility Unlimited Talk and Text Plans will be discontinued on Mar 1st. 2013.
Thank you for being a valued Petro-Canada Mobility subscriber. At Petro-Canada we're committed to providing our customers with access to value based innovative services. After careful consideration we have decided to discontinue the Unlimited Talk and Text plan in accordance with our terms and conditions.
Effective on your Plan renewal date in the month of March 2013 we will convert your current plan to the highest plan we currently have available, 300 Minute Talk and Text (with web browsing if previously selected).
Your first month of this new plan will be free. If you choose to change to one of our other plans in March visit mobility.petro-canada.ca.
To view your renewal date log on to your account at mobility.petro-canada.ca or dial *777*1# followed by the send key on your Petro-Canada Mobility Handset.
If you have a recurring payment set up for the Unlimited Plan, we suggest you to cancel it and create a new one in the amount of your choosing.
We're sorry for any inconvenience this situation may cause you and appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-866-788-3475.
Petro-Canada Mobility
Message important au sujet de votre service Petro-Canada Mobilité.
Les plans appels et messages textes illimités de Petro-Canada Mobilité ne seront plus en vigueur à compter du 1er mars 2013.
Merci d'avoir choisi les services Petro-Canada Mobilité. À Petro-Canada, nous nous engageons à offrir un accès à d'excellents services novateurs à notre clientèle. Après mûre réflexion, nous avons décidé de retirer notre plan appels et messages textes illimités, conformément à nos modalités.
À compter de la date de renouvellement de votre plan, en mars 2013, nous convertirons votre plan actuel au plan offrant le plus grand nombre de minutes que nous proposons, soit 300 minutes d'appels, avec messages textes (avec navigation Web si vous aviez ce service).
Nous vous offrons le premier mois de ce nouveau plan gratuitement. Si vous souhaitez changer pour un autre de nos plans en mars, veuillez visiter le mobility.petro-canada.ca/fr.
Pour connaître votre date de renouvellement, vérifiez votre compte sur mobility.petro-canada.ca/fr ou composez *777*1# suivi de la touche d'appel de votre téléphone Petro-Canada Mobilité.
Si vous avez programmé un paiement périodique pour votre plan illimité, nous vous conseillons de l'annuler et d'en programmer un autre au montant de votre choix.
Nous sommes désolés des inconvénients que cela peut causer, et nous sommes reconnaissants de votre compréhension. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous au 1-866-788-3475.
Petro-Canada Mobilité
12:17 pm
August 13, 2009

10:43 am
January 5, 2010

2:34 pm
December 1, 2009

Ya, they came out with:
Unlimited Talk: 29.99
Unlimited Talk and Text: 39.99
Unlimited Talk Text and Browse 49.99
(you pay taxes when buying the vouchers, and pay $ 1.25 - 911 fee monthly also)
I think they launched the plan in Late 2011 . . . and then they said that all Unlimited plans were grandfathered on April 12th 2012 (the announcement was the same day that they discontinued offering it). It was pretty short lived.
It was hard to calculate your savings since they would only tell you total minutes used, so you couldn't compare it with an evenings and weekends plan on someone else, but I think we were saving about $ 50 + per month.
The difference from this and some of the others companies that offer or have offered monthly unlimited plans is that Petro already included Voicemail and Caller Number Display and there were no other fees.
I guess all good things must come to an end.