10:52 pm
September 22, 2012

Hi Everyone,
I have a very long story to share with you all. I hope someone out there could help me figure this out.
I have upgraded my mobile device from a (Samsung Galaxy SII LTE) to the New (Samsung Galaxy SIII) Throughout this process I had to convert my Normal Sim to a Micro-Simcard. My first attempt at cutting the Sim Card ended up with a error message saying "NO SIM INSERTED - NO SERVICE" I knew this was a sim cutting issue, my next attempt was to buy a new Simcard and have it cut by a professional. However, after doing so I called customer support and had the representative take my Sim number and IMEI. After numerous attempts to activate the phone by porting my old monthly plan and remaining balance, I had no luck I was simply stuck with the message saying "Emergency Calls Only" or "No Service". The customer support agent is positive that the new "Simcard" is Active with my previous balance and monthly bill ported into it. After which I thought it may have been a Lock/Unlock issue with my phone as it is registered originally with "Bell Mobility" However I can recall it being Factory Unlocked when I purchased it from a friend.
I decided to test my new theory out by borrowing a friend's "Fido Simcard" It did not pickup a signal on my phone and remained with the same error on "NO SERVICE - EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY" However, on my previous "100% Unlocked Phone" It had picked up a signal and was working without an issue.
The issue currently is, I do not receive a message saying "Invalid Sim - Please enter Unlock Code" and If the issue is truly related to the authenticity of this device's Unlock. How do I check if it is truly Locked/Unlocked on the (SGH-I747) Samsung Galaxy S3. NOTE: The command code *# 7465625# - Replies with an message saying "Network not recognized/registered"
When using my current simcard, On a (Friend's) 100% Unlocked Samsung galaxy S3. It replies with the same error "Emergency Calls Only" Could this be because of the IMEI number tied with the Sim Card?
After further examination, It also turns out this so called "Professional" has trimmed the Golden Chip on my Sim Card. It is a very slight trim, Yet noticeable.
Could it be a Unlock issue? Or a Sim Card Issue? & Is the IMEI Number of the phone directly linked to your Simcard, Thus preventing the user from receiving a signal on another Unlocked supported device?
6:18 am
September 22, 2012

EDIT- I managed to find the Simcard adapter that was cut to make the (Micro-Sim) Successfully I managed recombine this Micro-Sim and the adapter to create the original. I immediately received a signal from my previously unlocked phone when I joined the two.
Seems like it was a Simcard issue after-all!