9:23 am
April 22, 2009

9:43 am
April 22, 2009

Sweet, there is a thread on Blackberries and Speakout, same settings will apply with Petro Canada. I do not believe BBM works directly though. https://www.speakoutwireless.ca/speak/phone-features/the-blackberry-data-page-for-speak-out/
10:00 am
August 20, 2010

Thank you for the link as I had lost it. Last year I managed to get an unlocked 8700 (with a Speakout SIM) working using these settings. Text, Voice, and Web all worked well for me. I gave the Blackberry (and SIM) to my wife and she will not part with it.
After a brief departure to Telus Prepaid (their unlimited voice on one phone number 'add on' for $7.00 tempted me away) I have purchased another old 8700 (on eBay) and will be using it with either a Speakout (or Petro-Canada) SIM. Decisions, decisions