1:18 am
Anyone know what the deal is on the "unlimited web browsing" that petro canada offers?:
Is this real web browsing or some limited form?
According to the web site only 3 models of nokia phones are supported. Any idea if other ohones would work? ie iphone 2g?
5:19 am
Works for 7-11 speakout, so it should work for Petro Canada. They are the same company after all...
Directions are here:
4:10 am
August 7, 2009
Service Name (or Service): RW WAP
Connection Type (or Connection): GPRS
Username: wapuser1
Password: (don't use one, leave blank)
APN: goam.com
The proxy address is:
ad :80 at the end of the above address ie-(
unless there is an option to enter a "port number", in that case you enter 80 in the required field.
Set the web browser's homepage to: http://wap:8582/start.wml
8:25 pm
December 6, 2009
With the info at binarysearchtree I was able to get this working on my now-petro-formerly-speakout-sim in my 2G iphone. It definitely didn't "just work" the first try and I'm not really sure what fiddling made it work. For example:
- i enabled Edge using the SBSettings + Edge plugin ( not sure if i really needed to do this or not)
- the settings I finally used in the iphone configuartion tool are below.
Name: petro canada
identifier: com.petrocanada.prepaid
org: petro
descrption: profile description
Security: always
APN: goam.com
username: wapuser1
proxy server and port:
The thing is, I initially tried a slight variation on the above and it didn't work. The other thing I was doing while fiddling was powering down and up. Maybe this was needed after the settings/Edge change?
Anyhow, hope this helps someone.
12:16 am
April 22, 2009
It is port 80 mobile web browsing through a proxy. And not particularly fast, or responsive, so VOIP would be walkie talkie like at best. It works fine with mibbit IRC, I have had no problems with meebo either. I do not have an iphone or any other handheld crap, I use a netbook, a real computer! 🙂