10:26 pm
Hi everyone. I've been using Petro Canada Mobility for about six months now and was wondering if their LOCAL calling area coverage is the SAME as 7-11 SpeakOut.
Here is the 7-11 local call chart so you can figure out which area codes are a local call for you. I found this elsewhere on this forum:
I called Petro Canada Mobility customer service tonight asking what area is covered under my local calling area (since I presumed it would be the same) and she said just the 519/226 area codes. I have a 519 number.
Her answer was disappointing since according to the 7-11 chart I should be able to call the Toronto area (area codes 905/416 for instance) as a local call!
Anyone know for sure? As you know sometimes the reps are wrong. Can anyone also confirm if the 7-11 chart is still valid or have they changed to considering only your own area code a local call?
Many of my friends that I call regularly are in Toronto, so I need to know if either service considers Toronto a local call from 519 or not.
8:30 pm
December 18, 2009

2:46 pm
November 5, 2009

Erin M said:Anyone know for sure? As you know sometimes the reps are wrong. Can anyone also confirm if the 7-11 chart is still valid or have they changed to considering only your own area code a local call?
I'm in the 519 area code (on speakout) and can confirm that chart is good. 416 is local for me anyway, so I'll assume 905 is as well.