6:19 pm
April 22, 2009

Speakout and Petro Canada are both run by Ztar, which lease cellular resources from Rogers.
Both services guarantee only 2G EDGE speeds with their Unlimited Mobile Browsing package. Most of the time you can get 3G speeds, usually during off peak periods or if the cell site you are using is in an low population area. There seems to be agreement that Speakout and Petro Canada use Roger's excess bandwidth, and if a cell tower is being taxed too much, Speakout and Petro Canada lose the 3G. Because you are only guaranteed only 2G, you have no right to complain when that happens.
A bigger issue is cutting the Petro Canada SIM to fit the iPhone 5. You have to cut the SIM down to size. iPhone 5 SIM cards are also thinner than a standard SIM card, but apparently, the thicker, cut up SIM cards can still work.