2 Nokia 2760 Fliphones with SIM Card and $100 airtime each for sale | Buy / Sell / Trade | Consumer forum

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2 Nokia 2760 Fliphones with SIM Card and $100 airtime each for sale
October 23, 2008
2:01 am

I'm in Victoria, BC, and had difficulty finding Speakout phone offers for the Nokia 2760 during the summer promotion.
While travelling in Vancouver, I bought Two Nokia 2760 Fliphones as gifts for family, but they are no longer going to be useful, so I want to sell them. They are still in the box, with SIM card, completely untouched. Each comes with $100 airtime voucher, which must be activated before middle of December. They have a 778 area code number, which should be able to be changed to your local area for free. Paid $152 each including tax, so here's a chance to take late advantage of Speakout's summer promotion.
You can email me at unjma (that curly at thing) shaw period ca