You can already buy a voucher online here: https://www.speakout7eleven.ca/buy-online/top-up-your-phone-number
If for some reason you cannot purchase through that form (if you have no credit card), I am offering a service where you can send me the money for the voucher via E-mail Money Transfer only (absolutely no exceptions, including PayPal).
Prices are as follows (which have a 13% premium):
$25 voucher: $28.25
$35 voucher: $39.55
$50 voucher: $56.50
$100 voucher: $113
I am based in Vancouver, but the entire transaction will be done online.
To purchase, please send me a private message with your cell phone number. I will reply with the e-mail address to which the EMT should be sent. I will apply credit directly to your account (I will basically be using that same form linked above), between 1 and 24 hours after money is received via EMT, and I will send you a reply via PM at that time. Thanks!
What's in it for me? I am charging a 1% premium (as they likely charge me 12% HST) in case the government does not like this since tax rates differ by province, although if they were to hassle me, I don't think the 1% premium would cover the hassle I'm just trying to provide a consistent public service.
7:22 am
January 24, 2010

11:33 am
April 22, 2009

7:47 am
January 24, 2010

10:05 am
December 30, 2010

6:24 pm
January 24, 2010

2:24 am
January 24, 2010

4:48 am
March 31, 2011

seagame2001 said:
I guess people does not have credit cards in Canada they don't have a good credit or old style grandpa doesn't use credit card online LOL
I have a credit card from the States that I haven't been able to use on the Speakout website to buy a voucher online. There's some kind of error with the billing address, probably because of the difference between Canadian postal codes and US zip codes.
So, anyway, even people with credit cards find this service useful.
2:27 pm
September 8, 2010

9:33 am
May 26, 2011

4:16 pm
January 3, 2013