LF: $75 or $100 topup | Buy / Sell / Trade | Consumer forum

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LF: $75 or $100 topup
November 6, 2009
9:03 pm

Yep, I am in Ottawa and forgot to buy one before they stopped selling them. Please lmk asap.

November 16, 2009
11:55 pm

Hi, I have a $100 Speakout airtime voucher that was purchased yesturday. I sent my brother to the store to pick up a $100 Rogers airtime voucher, but he came home with a Speakout one. I called the store and they said that it is a final sale.

I am selling it for $100 (it cost me $113 with taxes). Please email me at: cheuch AT ymail DOT com if you are interested or if you want to make a deal!

You can mail me cash (concealed in an envelope, money order or personal check). I can either mail back the actual voucher receipt to you or email you the code. If you are in the Scarbrough/Toronto area, we can meet. It's up to you!
