For Sale: Original iPhone with Speakout Airtime | Buy / Sell / Trade | Consumer forum

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For Sale: Original iPhone with Speakout Airtime
October 18, 2011
5:22 am
Forum Posts: 7
Member Since:
April 13, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I'm selling an original iPhone that I have used on Speakout for the last few years. It's currently unlocked and jailbroken. It has $24.57 credit on it that will not expire for another 217 days. I've disabled browsing right now simply because it would eat away at the balance every month. I'm not using this phone currently so the balance will only be affected by the fees that come off monthly.

Lots of apps on it as is. Note that if it sells I will be removing all my personal information and logging out of the app store, so if you sync or update it, the apps will be lost. Also note if you restore it you will have to jailbreak and unlock it again. It's easy though.

The phone itself is in ok condition. A couple light scratches on the screen that are hard to notice under normal use. The back and coreners are in rougher shape if you care about that. I tend to not use the back for anything so a few scratches and dings there don't bother me.

I'm asking $150 and I'm in Kitchener, Ontario. I will ship if you want, at buyers expense. I would require payment by EMT in advance of shipping. Contact me at AT gmail DOT com.