- Always start a new topic unless you are replying to a specific posting. This applies especially to sellers. You can post about your item on other people's want ads, but do not post it on other people's for sale ads saying things like I also have phone x or voucher for sale. That is called thread hijacking and will not be tolerated at all.
- ALWAYS POST THE ITEM'S LOCATION in the body of the ad. Do not just state "look under my name where my city is". Please state the city where the item is located in the ad itself, not just an intersection, since people on the other side of the country probably are not familiar with the area. For those in the Toronto area, please do not post "GTA" as the location, since people out west may not be familiar with what "GTA" means.
- Post your e-mail address in the message itself, but put something like peter AT bugmenot DOT com to make it harder for your address to get spammed by robots. Discussions on where to meet should of course continue off this site and into e-mail!
- In the topic subject, state whether you want to buy, sell, borrow, lend, take (you want a phone but are too cheap to pay), or give away a phone.
- Respect the general site rules
For sellers:
- Post what carrier and plan the phone is on and how much money is left, if any.
- If you are selling airtime, post the activation date, which is the last day that the airtime can be applied
- No dealers or business advertising allowed. Sorry.
11:20 pm
October 14, 2008

A couple more rules.
1. If you have something to sell, sell it on THIS site. Do not mention on speakoutwireless.ca that you have an item for sale, but sell it only on Ebay, Kijiji, or any other site. No Ebay (or other site) live links will be tolerated as well.
2. State the price you want for the item you are selling. Do not just state that what you are selling is up to the "best offer", or "PM me your offers" since 100% of the time you already know the lowest price you are willing to sell the item for. Mention that price in the ad. This isn't an auction style site that takes highest bidders or best offers.
3. If you are selling a cell phone, mention the brand, model number, and condition. Be specific. Don't say you have a cell phone for sale without listing any other information about it. When selling a SIM card, of course it's ok to post the area code on the SIM, but please refrain from posting the entire number. Likewise, if you are selling a SIM card, mention the balance/expiry date on the SIM card as well. We are not psychic, and don't know what you are trying to sell.
4. Please do not bump a thread more than once per week. For instance, this would eliminate a thread
that has 15 posts, and has 10 or more posts that just say "bump", and most "bumps" were entered within a month or less.
5. The forum is for buying/selling/trading specific items only. Keep all other discussions out of the thread (I know where you can buy a XYZ phone/accessory really cheap), etc. Those posts/discussions should go in other forums. It keeps the clutter down.
6. Do NOT turn someone's ad into an argument on why you don't agree with their pricing. No one is forcing you to buy their item.
7. When selling a SIM card, state the wireless provider of the SIM (Rogers SIM, SpeakOut SIM, T-Mobile SIM etc etc)
Always mention the amount left ($) and the expiry date of the account tied to the SIM.
If people can't be bothered to read and abide by these simple rules, then their post(s) might go missing.
Know and understand the rules BEFORE you post.
Thanks for your cooperation