6:55 pm
August 6, 2015

I am a Canadian living in California who travels to Ontairio once or twice a year. Rather than pay roaming charges on my T-Mobile account, I'd like to get a Speakout micro SIM for my unlocked iPhone 4 to use while I am in Canada. I know that I could just wait until I get to a 7-11 in Ontairio, but I'd prefer to be able to make calls as soone as I cross the border & don't want to spend time looking for a 7-11 that sells the SIMs. Ideally I would also like to start with $25 worth of minutes. My plan would be to activate the SIM & minutes as soon as I crossed the border, then when I return to the US swap back to a T-Mobile SIM. Each year, I would top up the Speakout account based on my usage, making sure that the account is "topped" up within the 365 day window each year.
Can anyone see any flaws with this plan?
Since the Speakout.ca website only sells to someone with a Canadian mailing/billiing address, I cannot buy online at their website.
Can someone sell me a a micro SIM & a $25 voucher (shipped to me in the US)?
if someone happens to want a cheap US prepaid mobile option for use while travelling within the US, I could instead trade an inexpensive T-Mobile Phone (Ihave spares) and/or if you like obtain some T-Mobile prepaid minutes, I could do that. I could pay by PayPal or we could settle any value differences in the case of a trade.
12:01 am
January 18, 2009

I do the very same with T-mobile. One difference is no 911 charge but Speakout has a monthly 911 charge......$1.25??
With T-mobile I either get a card when in the USA or use a reseller who will take Paypal. I don't know of any Canadian reseller but hopefully someone will jump in here to help you.
I think the site owner has helped others out but Paypal is not really secure for services like this with their 180 day policy.
7:30 am
March 12, 2009

You should verify exactly how much T-Mobile charges for roaming in Canada. I just had a friend from Texas visiting me who had an i-Phone on T-Mobile and he was only paying around 25 cents/min. I forget exactly how much it was, but I recall thinking that it was pretty close to what Speakout charges. I think he was getting cheap data too. You should check this out thoroughly with T-Mobile.
9:41 am
August 6, 2015

I just contacted T-Mobile and found that my per minute rate in Canada is 59c (US), comparing that to a Speak out per min charge of 25c (CAD) or 19c per minute (US at the current exchange rate) so T-mobile roaming is about 40c per min more. I am on a Prepaid (pay as you go) plan in the US. Perhaps your friend from Texas is on another plan. I know if you have a monthly plan with T-Mobile, there is a way to get less expensive International rates, but for my usage profile, overall the monthly plans would be a lot more expensive. I can use my cell for a year for about $100 (US) by subscribing to a prepaid T-mobile plan. US calls are 10c per minute and don't expire for a year, after that I can just top up with a $10 payment and they extend for another year.
I contacted someone on Craigslist (Toronto) who has agreed to sell me a SIM. Assuming he sends it, then all I would need is a $25 Speak out voucher to get me started. Can I assume that a voucher from any Canadian 711 location would work?
Will someone please sell me a $25 Speak out voucher, or trade me for an equivalently valued T-mobile prepaid voucher?
4:58 pm
August 6, 2015

I just returned from a trip to Toronto. Some updates since my last post: T-Mobile now wants 1.79 per minute for roaming in Canada on my pay-as-you-go plan, so using Speakout is definitely the way to go for a few weeks a year in Canada... 711 closed the store that was convenient to my location in Don Mills, so I didn't get a chance to buy a "top up" voucher on this trip. My minutes don't expire until Feb 2017, so I have some time to buy a voucher to extend the expiration date. Can someone please help?