7:01 am
I know there s a related post on Howard's forum comparing the 1661 to 1208 , but I wish to take an opinioin from forum members here , as this site seems to be very reliable and informative wrt Speakout Wireless ...
Please share your experience with either of these phones is you have used them and whether / not you would recommend them .. Your advice can help other prospective buyers ...
I ve recently purchased a 2760 ... Its got a camera , FM radio and a blue tooth which works well ... Keypad is nice , phone is light , looks good ...... But where it lacks is the display (basic) and the sound quality . Even after pushing to 10 , the conversation appears to be one way ....
I am contemplaing exchanging it with the 1661 which has an FM Radio but no camera / blue tooth ... Deciding factor would be the sound quality ...... Is it better with the 1661 and what are other advantages ,/ disadvantages ? Please share ... Thanks .