1:08 pm
September 7, 2010

OK, I posted this elsewhere but must have been deleted, so let's try here.
Been with Speakout from pretty well Day one.
Been on the data plan since Day one when that started as well. My iPhone 3G was one of a few Rogers ones that worked before the banning was lifted.
Currently using an iPhone 3G with calls and edge working fine, but when I switch to 3G data, the phone shows no service and the 3G never works even though it's enabled (as is cellular data). If I switch back to E data the phone works as does Edge data.
This is not a recent thing, It has never worked, only Edge.
I live in Calgary, and am pretty sure it might be caused by my very old, original Speakout Sim card that I use.
I have another So phone (wife's) and the sim card is not the same, hers (and I would say most) have a 0.2U or something stamped on the bottom of the number it (I don't have it in front of me), but mine predates those and only has 4 digit numbers.
If I venture to age my Speakout Sim, I would guess it's about 5-6 years old.
Is it possible that my Sim card is not 3G capable..
I should add, the iPhone is originally ported to Rogers, but it it jailbroken and unlocked.
is there anyone in Calgary that can confirm 3G works on iPhone using the wapuser1/wap account?
If I enable data on my wife's phone, swap sims and see if it works, would Speakout send me a free Sim to replace my old one, or would they swap the numbers (she has no need for data), so I keep the newer sim and she the older one?
10:07 pm
September 7, 2010

7:47 pm
December 24, 2010

As far as I'm aware, no matter how fast your phone is capable of browsing or downloading data, you are always limited to slow EDGE speeds with SpeakOut Wireless' unlimited browsing add-on. So, what you're experiencing is normal I would think. 3G is not part of what the inexpensive SpeakOut service offers, so naturally if you turn 3G on you'll get nothing.
The age of your SIM card shouldn't matter; it's the capabilities of the phone itself and the service itself that dictate your browsing speeds.
8:46 pm
September 7, 2010

11:30 pm
December 30, 2010

10:31 pm
August 7, 2011

hey bought a new sim for $10 at 7-eleven and now I have 3g. Called customer service, gave them the digits on the sim and the activation number on the cardboard it came with. Took like 10 minutes tops. Greek Wizard I think the problem was the old sim was not 3g capable. Other carriers (mostly uk base) had the same problem when I did a google search. I would call around to 7-11 in your area to ask if they have the $10 sim. I am pretty sure this will solve your problems.
4:40 am
April 22, 2009

It is up to Rogers whether you get 3G or not. If there is an area congested with 3G phones, Rogers will put you on EDGE. If the network is not too busy, the tower might put you on 3G, if your phone can do 3G.
In any case, this should not be considered problem. Speakout data certainly never promised 3G speeds, and the fact people get it should be viewed as a bonus and not an entitlement.
7:36 am
March 10, 2010

bridonca said:
In any case, this should not be considered problem. Speakout data certainly never promised 3G speeds, and the fact people get it should be viewed as a bonus and not an entitlement.
Really? His phone should be getting 3G as that is what everybody else with that phone is getting in his area. I can all but guarantee that is old sim is the problem and replacing it will solve that problem.
9:01 pm
September 7, 2010

Just to update this in case anyone else is in the same boat.
I called SO Customer service and got them to put data on my wife's phone for a the "trial" period they offer.
I asked the CSR is she could wait on the phone as I did all this and she was fine with it. I put that sim (much newer one) in my iPhone and 3G came up right away.
I told the CSR and she told me she had never seen a sim card not work like mine before.
I asked if SO was going to send me a replacement Sim, and she said had to go through supervisors. A few days later I got a call back saying they would not replace it because the voice still worked.
I was not too terribly surprised or upset… I figured whatever it was only $10.
here is where I kind of started getting a little steamed.
7-11 released the stand alone sim cards for sale August 01. I visited about 2 dozen 7-11s over 2 weeks (pretty well every day to a couple of them) and I could not find one. Finally I got a couple of the store managers to order one in for me.
I finally found one on Tuesday night but the cashier refused to sell it to me without me buying a voucher. "it says right on it, must buy a voucher" she kept saying.
I tried to explain to her that this was a replacement sim and I already had already bought a $100 voucher a week ago (truth). She refused and was pretty obnoxious. Well I told her, she can call Speakout and talk to the CSR I was talking to I had her name memorized), but she refused to. I told her to call her store manager, as she was the one that ordered it in. She did, but again misread or misinterpreted the sim card cover saying to her managers "well it says MUST BUy with sim card"…
After about 3 minutes, the manager probably remembered me and told the cashier to give it to me for the $10.
it took me about 20 minutes of arguing, but I had my sim card.
I got home, called SO and they got the info (number and activation code) for the new SIM card (never asked me for IMEI number). However she told me a supervisor would have to complete it and maybe wouldget a call tomorrow. They did call about 14 hours later and I was set.
1) Not happy with 7-11 cashier
2) Not happy having to wait for the port over to sim card
3) Overall happy with the So Customer service people, even though they never credited me $10 or sent me a Sim card.
The iPhone now has 3G, and does not crash when it's activated anymore.
bridonca, while everyone has their thoughts, being a moderator please don't give out wrong information based on your opinion without reading the post next time. You would have seen that I said the phone crashed (no service) when 3G was enabled. This is a big difference from not getting 3G speeds at all.
If someone less stubborn than me would have read it, then they might not have gotten to the solution of it being a old/faulty sim card.
So bottom line, if you don't get 3G, and your phone crashes (no service) while trying it, please consider spending the $10 and getting a newer sim card.
Thanks to thwarter & andreww that confirmed/believed in my suspicions as well.