2:30 pm
I have successfully uploaded custom ringtones to both my 2610 and 1600.
I purchased a Nok CA-45 cable from ebay, let XP install the driver. Then, using MobiMB I was able to drag midi (.mid) ringtones to the phones.
The 2610 allows way more customization, I was also able to upload and change backgrounds, and I can see all the java games, the 7-11 theme, and more. I haven't tried to do anything with them yet. I could also drag items from the phone to the computer, to save them in case I want to delete them to make more space available, etc.
The 1600 only shows a custom ringtone area, nothing else.
Thanks -- this is useful!
Want to write a more detailed article about the procedures for this? See my post here.
11:07 am
Kevin said:
I'd really like to re-import my contacts back to the 1600...
See http://www.logomanager.co.uk/p......php?id=53 and download their demo. However, if you want to be sure then contact LogoManager directly.
9:53 am
I did try to add mp3 ring tones made from my own files but it seem they are blocked. I can play the files just fine but when I try to select them as a ring tone I get the message "cannot be set as ringing tone".
The work around I used was to convert the file to .amr format (the same thing the phone uses to record voice message in) and then selected it from there. It isn't as good a quality as mp3 but you can't really tell. That and it's free!!
The other option would be to just play your favorite music and use the record button straight from the cell phone.