10:12 am
October 15, 2008

I just got a unlocked Motorola Milestone which appears to work on Speakout (at least the voice part anyways). I have some other Android functionality questions I'm hoping someone out there can help me with.
Does anyone know if there is a way to sync my Outlook contacts, memos, tasks, etc from my home PC to the Milestone without syncing to Google first? I'd prefer to keep my personal Outlook info out of Google's hands. The only tool I've seen so far is CompanionLink but the reviews aren't very good, plus you have to pay for it. You'd think there's a free sync tool out there.
I'd also like the functionality to edit Word, Excel docs directly on the Milestone. There's 2 competing products out there – QuickOffice and Documents to Go. Does anyone have experience with the 'full' versions of those apps? Which is better? I've played with free 'viewer' versions but it's not enough for me to get a good feel for the full functionality. I'm leaning towards DocsToGo because that's what I have on my Palm but does the Android version of DocsToGo have exactly the same functionality as the Palm version?
7:56 pm
April 27, 2010

I have lots to say about this and right now most of it isn't very promising. First of all, make sure you backup your contacts data before you play with anything. I tried Quick Office just for the syncing bit and what happened to me was I ended up with all sorts of duplicate entries. Worse than that, I have contacts that have a company name and some that don't. After syncing, any record that didn't have a business name, the following entry was screwed up. As in the name from the no bus name contact was in the next entry and some of the other data from the contact with the business name was in the previous record that had no company name.
There is also another program out there called A-Sync Alpha I think. I am going to play with that next. But I do get the impression that it is more of a transfer your data from outlook to your phone rather than a true sync. I haven't found anything that works like blackberry sync where you get a true sync.
I used Docs2Go for years with various versions of Palms till I switched to a blackberry. I ordered the program assuming it would be pretty much the same as the Palm version. Big wrong. Along with all the other cumbersome user interface, it was updating itself every month or so, and the first thing you had to do was scroll through a mile long license agreement every time you got the update. And you know what scrolling on a bb is like. So I dropped it. I won't even look at it for the android, so your experience may be different.
So right now I still use the BB for business and have started using the android for personal stuff and watching to see what all is out there for it. I am sure that some where along the way someone will come up with a true sync for the android phones
3:33 am
October 15, 2008

Thanks for the info, ve6raj. It sounds like your experiences pretty much confirm what I've been reading on the 'net. Sadly, this certianly makes me reconsider switching to the Milestone. You'd think a fairly current cell phone model would have at least the same amount of functionality as a 5-6 year old Palm. Frustrating, really. (Of course, there's other things with the Milestone that I do love that beat the Palm hands down - the big touchscreen, wifi, camera, Android Market, etc)
Anyone else out there have any positive experiences with that I'm trying to do?