12:38 pm
August 29, 2016

"Authentication problem"
What exactly does that mean? Or rather, what has to be set in addition to switching on WiFi?
If I select our network it will authenticate and then shows "saved, secured with WPA2", but Opera comes up with "No connection to Internet".
Any ideas??
Thanks in advance
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
1:28 pm
August 29, 2016

12:29 am
August 29, 2016

Looks like this is a very common problem with Android phones accessing WiFi.
Solutions? Yes, but it sure took a lot of digging!
And then it meant drilling down through layer after layer. Anyway the solution is assigning a static IP — I suspected as much, but had no idea how and where to find that setting.
Google and Acer came to the rescue. http://acer.custhelp.com/app/a.....-system%3F ,
As mentioned, it is amazing how well they hide settings in the Android OS. GRRRRR!
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
11:52 pm
January 18, 2009

Not sure if I understand correctly but it seems your network is set up with specific IP's for devices as opposed to what I think is most common which is a dhcp server assigning Ip addresses.??
I would have thought that any device's OS would treat that the same. With any new Android or Windows etc device I logon with a password and get on our network. Ip is assigned automagically.
10:32 am
August 29, 2016

Yes, that's correct.
Every device has a specific IP address (static IP), it's a happy mix of wired and wireless components (computers, tablets, printers, IP cams with wifi and/or LAN).
The router recognized the phone, but wouldn't authenticate it — except on the Guest Network.
After hours of "different solutions" — some of them very interesting — I finally found a thread that explains how to get to the section of the Android OS to assign a Static IP.
That worked just like that!
To get everything to work on WLAN I would have to shell out another $1000+ to replace components, that will only happen when the replacement components fall to the "discontinued" price point — just like the BLU Advance 4.0L
Since it's my first Smartphone and I only started with it on Thursday, I fully anticipate a few more puzzles.
FWIW, a few years ago friends came for a 3 week stay. They only use Apple — which as the Apple-Fans tell us is completely intuitive — they tried for two days to access our WLAN in a reliable fashion i.e. it worked on and off.
I told them: "assign a Static IP!", gave them a specific IP and then ...... they started looking for the section to add it. Relatively simple on the MACbook, not so easy on the iPAD and really "interesting" on the iPHONE.
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut