8:39 am
December 30, 2010

I just found out about the 10 a month data for SO. Now I want to get a smartphone. Does BBM work on a BB with speakout? Does the Wifi capability work on a BB using SO? If I get an Iphone does the BB messenger app work?
Which BB or Iphone works better with the SO service allowing more of the phones fatures to work.
Also will a locked or unlocekd Iphone work with the SO service?
10:15 am
March 10, 2010

Iphones tend to work better on Speakout. BBs require a connection to the RIM server for many of the features to work, and Speakout blocks that. As a result BBM will not work.
Any version of the iPhone should work, although we are still getting the odd 3G owner complaining that they cannot get data working. But for the most part, all models work fine. I would suggest finding a 3GS model as it is faster, can take advantage of al the features of IOS4, and has built in GPS.
A locked Rogers phone will work with speakout, but all the rest will need to be unlocked (Fido may work as well).
4:37 pm
December 24, 2010

I also suggest getting an iPhone 3GS, not just the 3G.
I have an unlocked, jailbroken iPhone 2G which due to its age is limited to iOS 3.1.3 and am starting to notice that some companies are now releasing apps that will only work on iOS 4.0 or higher. So the next used phone I upgrade to will be a 3GS. You don't want to fall too far behind in phone model and capabilities. 1 generation back is usually ideal for a nice price point.
Even though BBM doesn't work, there's at least one text messaging app that works with SpeakOut as long as everyone you message with installs that app. I think the app is only available for Android and iOS, though.
Over WiFi only, a nice app to use which is similar to BBM is called PingChat!