Blackberry OS6.0 or Android 2.2
August 1, 2011
12:25 pm
12:25 pm
Forum Posts: 9
Member Since:
July 28, 2011
July 28, 2011

I have a website that I'd really like to use on my phone. Until recently it worked fine on the 2720. But, they made changes to the messaging service on their site and now they say it will only work for Blackberry OS6.0 or Android 2.2 or better.
Which phone models would you recommend for use on the SpeakOut data plan? I don't know anything about smart phones. I do know the C3 didn't do what I need it to and I hated the C5, never did figure out how to navigate well enough to even test that site.
I'd like a phone with buttons, not limited to touch screen.