6:04 pm
October 6, 2011

I just bought a new unlocked Passport (January 2016) and I tried to put my old SIM in the Passport but the Passport requires a "nano" SIM. Too bad Speakout doesn't have a help page (whatever). They must get questions about that frequently. Blackberry was not helpful either - I asked about the compatibility. All these companies could do a better job of informing the users. I was initially more concerned about the compatibility of the network.
So...Just a warning for others!!!!
7:08 am
March 12, 2009

My suggestion would be to take the sim card into a hole-in-the-wall cell phone shop and ask them to cut it for you. They use a simple punch tool like this one:
Or you could order this tool and do it yourself.
12:32 pm
October 14, 2008

I can't blame for SpeakOut for not being more helpful. SpeakOut supports phones that they sell, not Blackberrys, or other various brands. You wouldn't go into a Toyota dealership and ask for a Chrysler's owner manual.
They shouldn't have a help page for a device they do not sell, otherwise they would have support pages for every device that was ever manufactured. This just wouldn't be feasible, or practical. It is up to the consumer to do their homework to see what is compatible, and what isn't. That goes for any SIM card/wireless provider, and any device.
2:04 pm
July 31, 2014

It seems that SO has come out with a Nano within their 3in1 configuration;
"... All these companies could do a better job of informing the users. I was initially more concerned about the compatibility of the network. ..."
Actually smart consumers will look at the manufacturers product specification sheets which even before the days of internet were available thru a competent salesperson at your fav' vendor.
When I first heard about BBs second latest product PPSE I fd on the BB website their spec. sheet where it stated the Nano Sim requirement (and also acceptable networks).
doug c
p.s. if you tire of the PP and look at the PRIV , Tip: it also needs a Nano .... according to the manufacturers' online spec. sheet !!