2:05 pm
I just bought a Nokia 2760 and am quite interested in the camera and getting the images downloaded onto my PC laptop. I bought a Belkin mini USB bluetooth dongle but couldn't get PC suite to find my phone.
Others have pointed out that not all dongles will work with the phone. I called Nokia and they said that only the following dongles are supported: Microsoft, Toshiba, Widcomm and Blue Soleil.
I cannot find these dongles in any stores in Vancouver. I can find some of them online, but they are atleast $50US when shipping is included.
I also noticed that some online stores that sell Nokia 2760 accessories, sell dongles made by Datapilot and other manufactures for this phone.
A couple questions:
What dongles have others been able to use with the Nokia 2760?
If its going to cost me $60 for a dongle to download images, should I just buy a Nokia 5200 (assuming that I can find one in Vancouver) which supposedly has a USB cable for downloads?
11:41 am
I was able to use this Azio USB Bluetooth adapter with the 2760.
1:05 pm
March 15, 2008

4:18 pm
Stan said:
Others have pointed out that not all dongles will work with the phone. I called Nokia and they said that only the following dongles are supported: Microsoft, Toshiba, Widcomm and Blue Soleil.
It's funny that you mentioned that as I didn't know only these ones worked. I happened to buy a cheap $9.99 generic dongle and it coincidently came with the Blue Soleil software. I am from Missisissauga btw.